Tag: photoshop

  • Univerza LJ vs. Adobe

    Univerza LJ vs. Adobe

    Za vse tiste, ki me ne poznate, naj najprej omenim, da sem zaposlen na Naravoslovnotehniški fakulteti (Oddelek za tekstilstvo, grafiko in oblikovanje) na Univerzi v Ljubljani. Kot tehniški sodelavec sem aktiven pri dveh študijskih programih: Grafične in interaktivne komunikacije ter Grafična in medijska tehnika. Grafično oblikovanje danes v veliki meri temelji na Adobovi programski opremi.…

  • Zakaj se Creative Cloud splača

    Zakaj se Creative Cloud splača

    Če takoj v začetku pustimo ob strani dejstvo, da Evropejci plačujemo absurno višjo ceno za naročnino na Creative Cloud (CC) kot rednecki čez lužo bom z izračuni in drugimi argumenti poskušal razložiti zakaj se CC večini ljudi, ki se s tem preživlja, splača. Cena zadnje verzije kompletnega CS paketa (CS6) je znašala cca. 2.600 $…

  • Poster design: The Christmas Drill 2

    Poster design: The Christmas Drill 2

    Recently I was involved in the making of a short independent movie production as an actor and as the poster designer. Before you plunge into the poster and the movie please bear in mind that since we have the so called low and high budget movies, the movie you’re about to see defines a new…

  • Sharpening, because the devil is in the details

    Sharpening, because the devil is in the details

    In this tutorial I will show you one of the best ways (if not THE best) of sharpening your images. You will need Adobe Photoshop. Version is pretty much irrelevant as long as it supports the high pass filter and blending modes. The best way to sharpen the image is to do it right before…