Tag: tutorial
Vektorizacija pixel arta
Pred časom sem za štos hotel vektorizirati pixel art. Kmalu sem ugotovil, da to ni povsem enostavno, zato sem razvil tehniko, ki mi omogoča, da v Illustratorju to dokaj hitro izvajam. Prepričan sem, da nisem prvi, ki je prišel na to idejo, a bi jo kljub temu rad delil z vami. Spodaj je video v…
Posnemite time lapse z Android mobitelom
Pred časom sem opazil, da ima Nexus 4 v privzeti aplikaciji za fotografiranje možnost snemanja time lapse video posnetkov in ko sem malo pregledal kako stvar deluje sem ugotovil, da zna biti vse skupaj precej zabavno. Nekoliko naivno sem se spravil snemati prvi time lapse video in nastal je naslednji posnetek:
HTML e-mail signature in iOS 6 (iPhone)
So i bought an iPhone recently and got it updated to iOS 6. Yes I do realize the maps suck, get over it. Anyway, after a couple of days I wanted to see if HTML signatures could be used in the native mail app. As it turns out they can since iOS 6 (unless you had…
Getting started with the Arduino
This year I got a special surprise for my birthday. I was itching to buy myself an Arduino starter kit and start tinkering with some DIY projects for some time now. My girlfriend knew that and organised a bit of a whip-round amongst my friends and they all bought me that Arduino starter kit. After…
Sharpening, because the devil is in the details
In this tutorial I will show you one of the best ways (if not THE best) of sharpening your images. You will need Adobe Photoshop. Version is pretty much irrelevant as long as it supports the high pass filter and blending modes. The best way to sharpen the image is to do it right before…