Tag: metaldays

  • Here’s to MetalDays 2019 🤘🦄

    Here’s to MetalDays 2019 🤘🦄

    Maybe it’s the sweat in my eyes or maybe it’s tears. Well fuck it, it’s tears. You see I just watched a bunch of children doing what would be best described as a mosh pit at the back of the crowd on the main stage at MetalDays. Fuck it, they got to me. Straight into…

  • Here’s to MetalDays 2018

    Here’s to MetalDays 2018

    I rarely write in English on my blog but this time I will make an exception. The reason I write in English is the MetalDays festival I visited last week. If you’ve never experienced MetalDays you are seriously missing out and I really wish each and every person would attend the festival at least once.…

  • MetalDays 2017 vlog and call for company

    MetalDays 2017 vlog and call for company

    This is my second year attending MetalDays in Tolmin. Last year I went there in order to leave all of my tech at home and just chill. Except I didn’t. I made some footage and put together this montage. So this year I’m going at it head on. The goal is to publish one vlog…

  • Grem na MetalDays 2017!

    Grem na MetalDays 2017!

    MetalDays je ena tistih zadev, ki me je prevzela v trenutku, ko sem se spustil na drugo stran tolmina, proti Soči. Ravno zaradi tega sem se odločil, da letos festival obiščem za cel teden – en teden težke glasbe. To je pa tudi edina težka zadeva na celotnem festivalu – kljub izgledu so metalheadi eni…

  • MetalDays 2016

    MetalDays 2016

    Nekaj časa nazaj sem objavil, da se letos odpravljam na festival MetalDays. Festival je prišal in minil in jaz sem v času, ko sem bil tam neizmirno užival. Dolgo preden sem se odpravil v Tolmin sem razmišljal, kaj naj nesem s seboj, kako naj kakšno tehnološko igračo integriram v to doživetje in tako naprej. Naposled…