MetalDays 2017 vlog and call for company


Morda si že zasledil/-a, da grem tudi letos v Tolmin na MetalDays. Lani sem šel tja z namenom, da odklopim, a si nisem znal pomagati in sem tako kljub temu posnel nekaj posnetkov in izdelal kratko montažo. Letos pa bo nekoliko drugače. Letos imam željo in načrt, da vsak dan izdam eno epizodo vloga. Idej je ogromno, a želim predvsem ujeti duh festivala in ljudi, ki so tam. Pričakujte torej nekoliko bolj intimen pogled na festival in vsak dan svežo epizodo, če bo šlo vse po načrtih. Aja, vlog bo seveda v angleškem jeziku.

Hkrati pa se na vas obračam z eno željo/ponudbo. Letos se namreč v Tolmin odpravljam sam (za enkrat) in zato iščem družbo. Zavoljo dejstva, da bom vlogal, bom za tisti teden v Tolminu alkohol pustil pri miru (I know, I know). Enostavno ne bo šlo drugače, če bom želel vsak dan izdati eno epizodo vloga. Skratka, če me kdo sprejme v svoje šotorišče (imam svoj šotor) in bi radi imeli v svoji sredini človeka, ki bo vsem spedenal in optimiziral delovanje telefonov ter hkrati redno plačeval runde ter prispeval za hrano, me najdeš na twitterju, kjer sem @uros_m ali pa oklikaj na in izberi sebi ljubi komunikacijski kanal, da me dosežeš. Zelo bom vesel vsake družbe. Sem odprte glave in nimam kakšnih radikalnih predsodkov.

p.s.: moj vlog nima nobene povezave z organizatorjem festivala (če se to slučajno spremeni vas pa obvestim).


This is my second year attending MetalDays in Tolmin. Last year I went there in order to leave all of my tech at home and just chill. Except I didn’t. I made some footage and put together this montage. So this year I’m going at it head on. The goal is to publish one vlog episode a day. I’ve got lots of ideas but the main goal is to capture the true spirit of the festival and the people who gather in Tolmin each year. You can expect a more intimate view of the festival and a fresh episode each day if everything goes as planned. The vlogs will be in English, of course.

But the real reason I’m writing this is to find some camp mates. This year I’m going alone and I want some company, to be honest. Because I will be vloging the alcohol will be off the menu for me (I know, I know). But I don’t think I can manage it any other way if I want to publish a new episode each day. Anyways, if you want another soul in your campsite (I do have my own tent, mind you). I’m a wizard with smartphones and will optimise your device if you want to. More importantly, I will buy you booze and food, of course. If you’re game, hit me up on twitter where you can find me as @uros_m. I would enjoy your company. Very open-minded and without any radical prejudice.

p.s.: this vlog has no association with the organizer of the festival (will let you know if that changes in nay way).

p.p.: here’s me hugging a water canister last year because my friend is a dick when he gets bored xD



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