Category: Vodiči

  • Spotify v Sloveniji

    Spotify v Sloveniji

    Dobra novica! Če tole bereš v letu 2017 ti z veseljem sporočam, da zadeva še vedno deluje. Uživaj v poslušanju glasbe preko Spotifya. Od sveta pozabljeni, tu na sončni strani Alp, bi radi kdaj pa kdaj izkusili tudi stvari v katerih uživajo le čez lužo ali pa drugje v inozemstvu. Tako je bilo z menoj in…

  • Prosojnost za tisk, multipy oz. overprint

    Prosojnost za tisk, multipy oz. overprint

    Vse večkrat opažam, kako oblikovalci bodisi iz malomarnosti bodisi iz neznanja napačno izdelajo prosojnost pri črni barvi, ko pripravljajo tiskovine. Največ teh napak opazim pri risanju sence. Za kaj gre? Izrišeš obliko, po potrebi megliš in na koncu določiš primerno prosojnost … in izbereš mešalni način multiply. Ta zdanji, zadnji korak, po opažanjih sodeč, velikokrat…

  • Popravilo neželenih dvoklikov miške

    Popravilo neželenih dvoklikov miške

    Neželen dvoklik je pogosta napaka mišk in je posledica zamaščenega ali oksidiranega stikala znotraj same miške. Popravilo je relativno enostavno in vam ne bo vzelo veliko časa. Jaz sem za namen prikaza dobil v roke dvoklikajočo miško Logitech Performance MX, ki mi jo je velikodušno “posodil” @th0r. Za to popravilo boste potrebovali: križni in ploščati…

  • HTML e-mail signature in iOS 6 (iPhone)

    HTML e-mail signature in iOS 6 (iPhone)

    So i bought an iPhone recently and got it updated to iOS 6. Yes I do realize the maps suck, get over it. Anyway, after a couple of days I wanted to see if HTML signatures could be used in the native mail app. As it turns out they can since iOS 6 (unless you had…

  • Fixed: WordPress homepage pulling og:description from the latest published post

    Fixed: WordPress homepage pulling og:description from the latest published post

    If all you need is the code without the tutorial simply scroll to the second code snippet and use that. Lately I’ve been troubled by the fact that Facebook pulls the description from the latest published post when I share the home URL ( of my WordPress-based web page. See the image below of what it…

  • Cassette case phone stand

    Cassette case phone stand

    This is how you can make yourself a simple and effective mobile phone stand. All you need is an old audio cassette case – just flip it and put your mobile phone in. I’m sure it could be modified to hold the power adapter cord as well. But this is just a simple, no-mess, straight-to-the-point…

  • Sharpening, because the devil is in the details

    Sharpening, because the devil is in the details

    In this tutorial I will show you one of the best ways (if not THE best) of sharpening your images. You will need Adobe Photoshop. Version is pretty much irrelevant as long as it supports the high pass filter and blending modes. The best way to sharpen the image is to do it right before…