Tag: gadget

  • Pokaži svoje #gadgetNalepke

    Pokaži svoje #gadgetNalepke

    Dolgočasni pravokotniki v vseh možnih odtenkih sive (don’t even think about that book, please) so … no, dolgočasni. Zaradi tega sem se že pred časom odločil, da bom svoj prenosnik okrasil po svoje. Najprej sem razmišljal, da si kupim vinilno nalepko, ki je narejena po meri za moj prenosnik, a sem kmalu ugotovil, da bom…

  • Weekly Bunch of Interesting Stuff #1

    Weekly Bunch of Interesting Stuff #1

    I am starting a new weekly roundup of things I found interesting in that week. This will cover a variety of topics that have caught my eye and are worth taking note of.   The newest thing on the list is the Twine 1 an interesting Kickstarter project by the duo who call themselves the…