Tag: slovenia

  • Grem na MetalDays 2017!

    Grem na MetalDays 2017!

    MetalDays je ena tistih zadev, ki me je prevzela v trenutku, ko sem se spustil na drugo stran tolmina, proti Soči. Ravno zaradi tega sem se odločil, da letos festival obiščem za cel teden – en teden težke glasbe. To je pa tudi edina težka zadeva na celotnem festivalu – kljub izgledu so metalheadi eni…

  • Visiting Vinoteka Svetinje

    Visiting Vinoteka Svetinje

    It was abut a month before my wedding when me and my friends decided to visit a wine shop / cellar. The decision came out of the blue and was settled quickly. The date was set very meaningfully to Saturday, October 11th, a day before Saint Matin’s day, a wine holiday. Some phone calls and emails later…

  • Client: Optiprint

    Client: Optiprint

    This is a 2 meter high rollup poster I made for a printer rental company Optiprint d. o. o. based in Slovenia. Not much to say about the project. I received the data they wanted on the rollup, the logo and instructions that they want it “colorfull” since they deal in low-cost color office printing…