Tag: screen

  • Cover, lockscreen ki je uporaben

    Cover, lockscreen ki je uporaben

    Cover je Android aplikacija, ki zamenja vaš privzeti lockscreen. Čeprav to ni nič novega pa se Cover loti problema na nekoliko drugačen način – je pameten lockscreen, ki s časoma ugotovi katere aplikacije uporabljate v kateri situaciji in vam bližnjice do teh aplikacij ponudi direktno na lockscreenu, urejene v stolpec bodisi ob levem bodisi ob…

  • Free smoke texture pack #1

    Free smoke texture pack #1

    This time I’m giving away a whole pack of smoke textures that me and my girlfriend made today. As always – grab it and do great stuff with it. And do not forget to post back your works for others to see. If you have any questions regarding the copyrights here it is in a…

  • Russel M. Davies @ IxD Fall Summit 2011

    Russel M. Davies @ IxD Fall Summit 2011

    If you have a few moments to spare I strongly recommend that you watch this lecture given by Russel M. Davies at the IxD Fall Summit held at the Umeå Institute of Design. He starts to talk about the “Screen Reverence” and where it may lead – from there things get really interesting from the…