Tag: of

  • Gledal sem: Pirati s Karibov: Salazarjevo maščevanje

    Gledal sem: Pirati s Karibov: Salazarjevo maščevanje

    Za novo nadaljevanje v filmski franšizi, ki jo že toliko časa na suho molzejo, iskreno nisem pričakoval veliko in s tega vidika nisem doživel večjega razočaranja pri ogledu. Ampak kljub temu še vedno uživam ob ogledu dogodivščin piratov, ker arrrr! Verjameš ali ne, tole je že peti del dogodivščin v katerih se, bolj ali manj…

  • Targaryen, Creative Commons Font

    Targaryen, Creative Commons Font

    It has been a wile since I last reported on my Targaryen font. The last word I posted here was way back in January when the font was featured on an exhibition. Today I am pleased to announce that I have decided to release the font under the Creative Commons lincese (the exact license is…

  • Targaryen font sampler on exhibition

    Targaryen font sampler on exhibition

    My font sampler is currently on exhibition on the second floor of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Depatement of Textiles. There are two versions because I had to make another one that fitted the general guidelines of that Typography class where the font was made. The red one is on exhibition as well…

  • Targaryen, a font sampler

    Targaryen, a font sampler

    This is a follow-up to the Targaryen, a new font is born post. This is basically a font sampler. Only lower case letters are complete at this stage. If anyone is willing to give the font a go leave a comment down below and I’ll contact you with the details. The kerning still needs some…