Interactive Wedding using Twitter

So I’m getting married in a month or so and this morning I started thinking how to make my wedding more interactive and engaging for our wedding guests. My future wife and I discussed using Twitter during our wedding to send out a few tweets but more or less just in jest. But, come to think of it, why not? Hell, let’s take it all the way. Let’s define a hashtag and put up a big LCD at the wedding reception. Let’s do it in style!

The plan is pretty straightforward: PC + MetroTwit Show + 40” LCD TV and invite guests to Tweet using the predefined hashtag. Great, but there’s one problem – most of the guests that’ll be attending the wedding don’t use Twitter. Hell I reckon most don’t even know what Twitter is. Some might even take it the wrong way. Not that it would bother me if they do. Hell I’m paying them a full dinner with live music, free drink, a buffet, cigars and a cake – you have nothing to complain about (unless the food, drink and the band suck big time, which is unlikely).

Anyway, taking this even further I realized I’m not really looking this from the right perspective. This is Twitter we’re talking about. Social media, public and open to all. So here’s a crazy idea: let’s do all the things mentioned before and invite everyone to join in on the fun. It doesn’t matter if they’re present at the reception. Let Twitter be a way for everyone to be present. Virtually.

This is still just a concept in my mind. In fact, while I’m writing these revelations my wife-to-be is still somewhere in the dreamland under the blanket. But the idea is now sparkling, it’s here and we’ll see where it goes from here. Technically it’s a pretty simple setup but whether the idea will catch on is still a big question.

If you want to stay up to date as this develops you should follow me on Twitter here. Don’t forget to post your opinion in the comments below.





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