Category: Foto
Instagram + Android = zanič slike
Ko sem včeraj delal izbor Instagram fotografij sem ugotovil, da se fotografije, ki sem jih v začetku leta zajel z iPhonom 4s, bistveno razlikujejo od tistih, ki sem jih posnel z Nexusom 4. Razlika je očitna, saj so fotografije, ki sem jih zajel z Nexusom 4 bistveno bolj grobe – robovi med visoko kontrastnimi področji so…
Moj Instagram 2013
To je izbor fotografij, ki sem jih v letu 2013 naložil na Instagram. Vse ostale fotografije si oglejte na mojem profilu (klik na gumb spodaj).
Client: Ledeni Čajček
If you remember earlier I wrote about how to score a business on Twitter. There I wrote how I got into a business conversation with Zisha, a web tea store based on my tea packaging prototype. Well here is the result of that deal. It was a bit of a rush job but I think that given…
Zagorska Noč 2012
A few quick photos I took during the annual Zagorska Noč (Night of Zagorje) fest, 2012. Pics of Natalija Verboten (singer), a hot air baloon and AbbaDream (tribute band).
This is a photo of the left three exhaust pipes on a Benlli Sei motorcycle. For those of you who are not familiar with this six-cylinder Italian masterpiece I suggest that you google it right now.
I miss the sun
Can’t wait for this bugger to come back.
Her name is …
The Spider Web
Abstract bowls
A photo taken during a studio photography class in college.