Tag: simple

  • Tko simpl …

    Tko simpl …

    V bistvu sploh ne vem točno, kako sem naletel na tale komad. Pa saj je vseeno. Ta vikend sem ga prvič slišal in mi še vedno ne gre iz glave. Thomas March Collective deluje(jo?) zadnja tri leta, kolikor mi je uspleo zbrskati na spetu, kjer je presenetljivo malo podatkov o tej zadevi. Za vsem skupaj…

  • Cassette case phone stand

    Cassette case phone stand

    This is how you can make yourself a simple and effective mobile phone stand. All you need is an old audio cassette case – just flip it and put your mobile phone in. I’m sure it could be modified to hold the power adapter cord as well. But this is just a simple, no-mess, straight-to-the-point…