Tag: diy
Naredil si bom avdio studio, 1. del
Ko sva z Janom resno zagrabila idejo o ustvarjanju Apgrejda je skoraj nemudoma postalo jasno, da bi bilo dobro imeti namenski prostor v hiši kjer bi lahko snemal zvok brez motenj. Ko imaš v hiši poleg sebe še štiri ljudi in je eden izmed njih razposajeni 18 mesečni otrok je jasno, da je težko najti dobro uro…
Cassette case phone stand
This is how you can make yourself a simple and effective mobile phone stand. All you need is an old audio cassette case – just flip it and put your mobile phone in. I’m sure it could be modified to hold the power adapter cord as well. But this is just a simple, no-mess, straight-to-the-point…
Raspberry Pi & Arduino
Recently I came across a brilliant project called Rapsberry Pi. What is Raspberry Pi you ask? Well to answer that I think it’s best that I just quote the FAQ on the Rasperry Pi’s homepage: [pullquote]The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It’s a capable little…